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Brick by Brick

Writer's picture: SarahSarah

It all started with a penny challenge from my sister. Over breakfast the week after Christmas she shared about a post she’d seen on social media. The presenter explained that if you put one penny in a jar for every day of the year, you will have $667.95 on January 1, 2026. Breaking it down, she described the process.

On January 1 you will put 1 penny in the jar.

On January 2 you will put 2 pennies in the jar.

On January 3 you will put 3 pennies in the jar. 

So on and so forth. You get the idea.

This process seemed both simple and valuable in its explanation. I decided that I’d start a jar for each member of our family. Who wouldn’t want an extra $650+ at the start of a new year?

Penny by penny you build something powerful.

A few weeks later, on a call with my real estate coach, I was encouraged to look at my goals for the next twelve weeks and back them up, making weekly goals that, if accomplished, would lead me to my end goal. 

If I wanted to increase my database by 75 people in the next quarter then I needed to be adding at least 7 people each week.

In order to add these 7 people each week, I needed to have at least one engagement each day with someone who was not already a part of my sphere. 

Breaking these long-term desires down into smaller, daily, more manageable actions was both straightforward and effective.

Person by person you build something powerful.

It was then that I felt the Holy Spirit give me a picture that will stick with me for the remainder of this year, depositing a life principle into my heart that will carry me for future years to come. 

Through His word, God reminds us that…

“Before we’d ever seen the light of day, the number of days He planned for use were already recorded in His book.”

As the Master Builder of our lives, He strategically lays each of our days like bricks. 

One by one He places them, crafting our foundation. 

But when it comes to what we do with those days, the choice is ours. 

In that way, the bricks are His to give. However, our responses in the realm of each day serve as the mortar-like substance that will either bond the bricks or leave them loose and vulnerable to the elements. 

We are the ones that decide what will be used to create that foundation.

Wise choices, set on His leading and His word, will be like adhesive providing a strong attachment for each brick. 

Adversely, passive and lackadaisical action will be much like trying to create a foundation using bricks and water. There is no strength, nor sustainability.

I remember, when building my first house, that waiting while the foundation was set was somewhat anticlimactic in the construction process. It was somewhat slow going and boring. I yearned to get to the part where cabinets and granite countertops were being installed. I could not wait to see how the carpet and paint colors that I had chosen worked together. The finishes were fun. However, the first time we had a tornado warning in my neighborhood, I was not banking on my fancy light fixtures to keep the house upright. My faith was in the foundation. It would be the foundation that would sustain my home’s framework, protecting me from the stormy conditions. In those moments I was grateful for a strong foundation. 

The same is true for me this year. As God places each brick, I desire that my decisions be like strong concrete, partnering with His gift of each day to create a solid foundation. 

This means that no matter what events the “brick” holds, my response needs to be built on faith, not feelings.

Weak mortar holds un-forgiveness and offense, whereas sustainable adhesive allows for grace.

Watered down mortar contains doing what feels right, whereas powerful mortar looks like choosing what is best even when our flesh is not in agreement. 

For me this year it will look like choosing to eat healthy and exercise each day so that turning 50 in October does not come with any sting of getting older. It means choosing to push forward towards my dream of a career in full time real estate despite challenging market conditions. It means ending each day focusing on the wins, rather than the defeats. 

It will be labor intensive to come for each “brick” with a posture of faith rather than flesh. It will be difficult to say the least, and I am certain there will be days when my concrete looks more like milk than mortar. But I realize the value in each choice throughout each day, and with my mind set on that truth, I believe I can close out 2025 with a firmer foundation than in years past. 

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